Bryn Athyn Historic Tour

Bronxville Historical Conservancy members traveled – by comfy coach this time – to beautiful, historic Bryn Athyn on the outskirts of Philadelphia, boyhood home of longtime Bronxville resident Brent Pendleton, and recently designated a National Historic Landmark. Guided tours were provided by the extraordinary Bryn Athyn education staff on a lovely spring day. Brent traveled with the group and provided interesting insights into and anecdotes of his life there.

About the author

The Bronxville Historical Conservancy was established in 1998 to further the understanding and appreciation of the history and current life of the Village of Bronxville, New York. The Conservancy furthers its mission through the presentation of programs, publications, lectures, and special events that foster an awareness of the Village’s architectural, artistic, and cultural heritage and lends its support for projects designed to strengthen and preserve those legacies.