Bronxville’s popular history, Building A Suburban Village, published during the Village’s centennial celebration in 1998, is available for purchase once again. The richly illustrated, 352-page book tells the story of the development of Bronxville, neighborhood by neighborhood, from a sparsely settled 19th-century farm community to one of the nation’s premiere metropolitan suburbs.
Researched and written by a team of 33 local historians led by Editor Eloise L. Morgan, now Village Historian, the book was published by the Bronxville Centennial Committee, Inc., which became the Bronxville Historical Conservancy. Although still frequently requested at local bookstores, the first printing of the volume sold out nearly three years ago. (One copy was on sale on eBay in 2011 for $330 — over six times its original sale price!) The Conservancy commissioned a reprint edition from the same company that did the original book.