The Nichols Brothers: A Dialogue in Art and Life: An Exhibition and Catalogue

The Exhibition-

Curated by Sarah Underhill and Barbara Sussman, this exhibition at Concordia College’s OSilas Gallery brought an exceptional representation of the work of HOBART NICHOLS and SPENCER NICHOLS together for the first time, creating an opportunity to explore the visual dialogue between these artists and brothers.  The Conservancy published the exhibit catalogue which contains an image of each painting, with accompanying test sharing an insight into the lives and work of the artists.

The Closing Gala-

This extraordinary exhibition was extended an extra day so that the Conservancy could host a gala event for its members. Curators Barbara Sussman and Conservancy board member Sarah Underhill began the afternoon with lectures at Sommer Center concerning the two brothers who lived in Bronxville and who followed very different paths to find their pictorial language. Underhill recounted the biographic and artistic histories of the two brothers while Sussman, who is the granddaughter of Spencer, spoke on a more personal level and as an artist herself. In the audience were Nichols descendants, including Spencer’s two daughters, Helen and Margaret, both of whom are painters. The group then moved to the OSilas Gallery for a reception for Conservancy members and the Nichols families and to see the exhibition for the last time.


Nicholas Brothers
About the author

The Bronxville Historical Conservancy was established in 1998 to further the understanding and appreciation of the history and current life of the Village of Bronxville, New York. The Conservancy furthers its mission through the presentation of programs, publications, lectures, and special events that foster an awareness of the Village’s architectural, artistic, and cultural heritage and lends its support for projects designed to strengthen and preserve those legacies.