
Special Events
The Exhibition- Curated by Sarah Underhill and Barbara Sussman, this exhibition at Concordia College’s OSilas Gallery brought an exceptional representation of the work of HOBART NICHOLS and SPENCER NICHOLS together for the first time, creating an opportunity to explore the visual dialogue between these artists and brothers.  The Conservancy published the exhibit catalogue which contains an image of each...
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The Bronxville Public Library was the site of a fascinating afternoon sponsored by the Conservancy and devoted to Eliot Vestner’s historical memoir published earlier in the year. In his introductory remarks, Conservancy member Robert Riggs described Vestner’s memoir as one of the most enlightening books he has ever read. “It’s remarkable as to the depth...
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The Conservancy and Bronxville Public Library jointly organized a special Veteran’s Day presentation on November 10th, featuring an exhibition of nine newly framed WWI Propaganda Posters belonging to the Library and a lecture by Sarah Lawrence College Professor Fred Smoler and demonstration by Conservancy Board member Jack Bierwirth. Smoler gave an enlightening talk on the...
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On Sunday afternoon, March 25th, 2012, the Conservancy hosted an afternoon devoted to the legacy of one of Bronxville’s artist/residents, Charles R. Knight. The event at the Bronxville Library featured artwork by Knight, a fascinating presentation by Richard Milner, author of a newly published biography of the artist, and some personal recollections of her grandfather...
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MARY FAIRCHILD LOW was a painter and wife of WILL HICOK LOW, both prominent members of the artist colony that flourished in Bronxville in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Before moving to Bronxville in 1910, Mary led a fascinating life in Giverny. Married at the time to the sculptor and painter Frederick MacMonnies, Mary lived just down...
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On Saturday, October 4th, 2014, an evening at Bronxville’s illustrious Hotel Gramatan was reimagined at The Jane Hotel, NYC. Towering atop Sunset Hill from 1905 until it was demolished in 1972, the Hotel Gramatan enjoyed its spectacular heyday in the 1920’s – the Age of Wonderful Nonsense. Whether seeking a season of revelry, a marriage...
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June 11, 2017 Presented by Marilynn Hill. Life Co-Chair of the Bronxville Historical Conservancy On behalf of the Bronxville Historical Conservancy, I would like to welcome all of you to this special event honoring our dear Mary Huber. Mary was born with a love of history into a family that shared that passion. Her father...
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On Saturday, May 6, 2017, Anthony Czarnecki, a member of the Westchester County Historical Society and the JFK Library Foundation, gave a power-point presentation: “A Golden Interval: The Kennedys in Bronxville.”  Czarnecki has done extensive research using recently digitized local newspapers, including those published during the Kennedys’ time in Bronxville.  The Bronxville Historical Conservancy contributed...
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The Bronxville Historical Conservancy’s celebration of the JFK Centennial included a Poetry Reading at the Bronxville Public Library on April 23, 2017. In his introductory remarks, Charles O’Neill pointed to Kennedy’s support for the arts as evidenced by his invitation to Robert Frost to read at his inauguration. Members from the Conservancy and Friends of...
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On Sunday, May 20, the Bronxville Historical Conservancy partnered with the Bronxville Public Library to share insights and images of the village’s extraordinary artistic heritage. The afternoon event began in the Yeager Room of the Library, where art historian and curator Jayne Warman presented a narrative of Bronxville’s early artists and a selection of their...
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